Press Release: Do Not Hang Controversial NLRB Poster
April 17, 2012
Employers: Do Not Hang The Controversial NLRB Poster
The National Labor Relations Board created a rule that requires employers to post a notice in conspicuous places informing employees of their right to form, join, or organize a labor union. The penalties for not complying with the rule are severe. This requirement has been widely criticized by employers and challenged in various courts.
Today the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia granted an injunction against the poster requirement. Oral argument on whether the NLRB had the authority to create the rule will not occur until at least September with a decision being rendered in late 2012.
So for the few employers who have already hung the poster, you are free to take it down. And for the rest of you who were waiting until the last minute on April 30, 2012 to hang the poster, you do not need to hang it.