US Supreme Court Won’t Review Off-Duty Picketing Laws
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
Currently, employers that want to ban or limit picketing or other demonstrations on their property by off-duty workers must show the activities would be disruptive to their operations. Unfortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to rule on whether federal labor law protects off-duty workers who held stationary picket signs on company property which is different…
Read More Electrical Workers Union Sparks Lawsuit Over Banner and Flyers at Hospital that Retained Non-Union Construction Company for Expansion
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
I have been involved in a few of these union demonstrations and they walk a very fine line between being protected under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution as free speech and being unprotected and thus unlawful. Since the difference between lawful free speech and unlawful antics is razor thin and heavily fact-dependent, I…
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