Congressional Dems’ Play on Words: Offer Unions a “Better Deal”
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
Congressional Democrats recently unveiled their “better deal” economic plan seeking to enhance protections for unions and their members. The “better deal” is the Democrat talking points for the mid-term elections during the fall of 2018. “Should we get the majority, this will be at the top of our list in early January 2019” said Senator…
Read More Will NLRB Force Employers to Give Unions Ability to Meet with Employees at Work and on Company Time?
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
Over 100 law school professors have urged the National Labor Relations Board to make a rule (since the Board is now fully ensconced in rule making) allowing unions to meet with non-union workers, on company property and in private, to urge them to vote in favor of union representation. If companies refused to allow such…
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