New Union Organizing Tactic: Projecting Spotlight Image on Side of Target Company’s Building
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
A union that had sought to organize a casino for years took its efforts to a new level when it projected a three-story image onto the wall of the casino. Concerned that the light was a safety hazard that could blind motorists, the casino called the police who told the union to shut off the…
Read More Jimmy John’s Illegally Fired Workers for Inferring to Public that Sandwiches are Made by Sick Employees
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
Jimmy John’s franchisee MikLin Enterprises, Inc. does not offer its employees sick leave. Instead, if an employee is sick, he or she can take time off only after ensuring that his or her shift is covered. Some employees do not like having the burden placed on them to find replacements and would rather be allowed…
Read More Supreme Court to Review Union Corporate Campaign Tactic: Are Neutrality Agreements Lawful?
By Management Labor Lawyer | | Corporate Campaigns, Neutrality Agreements, Union Organizing
Every so often I highlight especially well written and timely articles from some of the blogs that I follow. Today, Seyfarth Shaw, LLP discusses union corporate campaigns and how the US Supreme Court will decide whether neutrality agreements during organizing campaigns are lawful. To read the original post, click here. By Seyfarth Shaw LLP…
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