What to Expect from an NLRB with a Slashed Budget
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
When President Trump released his 2018 budget, he slashed the NLRB’s apportioned amount by 6% and called for a staff reduction despite a projected increase to the Board’s caseload. The 6% reduction would result in the lowest total operating budget for the Board since 2009 (President Obama’s first year). Likewise, staff reductions would place the…
Read More NLRB’s Budget Increases as Workload Decreases
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
By now, it is no secret that unionization rates in the United States have fallen each year for the past 30 years. This decrease in union membership results in a lessened need for the National Labor Relations Board, whose sole purpose is to govern labor and management relations. In fact, today the Board is presiding…
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