Ambush Elections: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
Regardless upon which side of the argument you sit, the statistics of the first 150 days post-ambush elections will help your argument. Management lawyers argue that the dire warnings were well founded. Pro-labor law reformists say the warnings were much ado about nothing. You should make up your own mind after learning the stats. Union…
Read More As Threatened, NLRB Implements Ambush Election Rules
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
Yesterday, I warned that the NLRB’s ruling to allow employees to use company-provided email systems for union organizing was perhaps the first of a flurry of pro-union rulings to be released between now and the end of the year. Today the NLRB “modernized” its union election procedures. The Board’s “modern” representation procedures are heavily slanted to…
Read More Combatting Micro-Unit Union Organizing Techniques
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
Faced with difficulties in organizing broader units in a number of industries, some unions have adopted a strategy of targeting smaller units in order to convince a smaller number of employees to vote in favor of union representation. This is called micro-units. You can read more about micro-units on my website here. As a refresher…
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