Employers Cannot Ban Email Solicitation Based on Safety Concerns during Non-Working Time
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
In a much-discussed decision, the Board decided that employees with access to an email system for work purposes have a right to use that email system on non-work time for communications protected by the National Labor Relations Act. [See our prior summary of the decision in Purple Communications in “NLRB to Companies: Your Workers Can…
Read More NLRB Reverses Long-Standing Solicitation of Grievances Law
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
As many of my loyal blog readers know, I am labor counsel to the Ohio Grocers Association. Although this case deals with a grocery store, the law applies to all companies in all industries. Albertson’s grocery store violated labor law by soliciting grievances from a store cashier during a union organizing drive even though the…
Read More An Extremely Active NLRB Requires HR’s Attention
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
As appearing in the Human Resource of Central Ohio (HRACO) monthly newsletter Unless you lived in a cave in 2011 – and your cave did not have WiFi – you likely heard about a lot of changes from the National Labor Relations Board. And, if you’re like most companies I deal with, unless you…
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