NLRB Enforces Subpoena about Alleged Joint Employer Relationship with Nothing More than Mere Allegation of Joint Employer Status.
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
The National Labor Relations Board has denied petitions to revoke subpoenas that were issued by an NLRB Regional Director to two companies seeking information about a possible joint employer relationship between the two employers. You read that right. The two pro-labor NLRB Board Members enforced the subpoenas despite the union’s failure to articulate any facts…
Read More Employers May Subpoena Records between Unions and Employees Acting as Agents for Unions
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
In a win for employers, the D.C. Circuit Court ruled that the National Labor Relations Board erred when it refused to allow an automotive parts retailer to subpoena an employee suspected of acting as union agent. In what seems to be a recent trend, the Board ordered the company to bargain with a group of…
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