Unions Divided on Pathway to Organize Gig Economy Workers
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
Unions remain baffled in how to organize workers in the gig economy. The gig economy is a term use for companies, like Uber, whose business model is built on the use of independent contractors. Independent contractors are, by law, not allowed to join unions. But that is not stopping unions from creatively trying to represent…
Read More Seattle Proposes Alternative Collective Bargaining Law for Cab Drivers
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
One limit of the National Labor Relations Act is that it applies only to employees. Independent contractors are not covered by the Act. A Seattle city council member recently introduced legislation that would bring collective bargaining to cab drivers that work as independent contractors who are not covered by the Act. This is another creative…
Read More If Employees, Uber Drivers Could Organize into a Union
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
Uber has become a household name. The latest controversy with Uber is determining whether its drivers are employees or independent contractors. A California labor commissioner has ruled that an Uber driver was an employee, and Uber must reimburse the employee roughly $4,000 for bridge tolls, mileage, and other expenses incurred while working as an Uber…
Read More Teamsters Driving Both Sides of Uber vs. Taxi Driver Standoff
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
Teamsters on the West Coast are trying to organize Uber drivers and other drivers of similar companies. Currently, those drivers are generally considered independent contractors who pay a fee for the ability to drive for Uber or its competitors. Since unions can only organize employees, and thus only employees can be in bargaining units, the…
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