NLRB Workers Are in a Union and Protested Against their Agency
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
National Labor Relations Board leaders faced a rare agency staff protest on November 8, the second such employee action in the current Board’s first year. Career staffers at the NLRB protested and handed out leaflets outside an American Bar Association conference attended by Board Chairman John Ring. They say the agency is trying to make more…
Read More Teamsters Picket Jack Nicklaus’ Memorial Golf Tournament
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
NetJets’ (headquartered in Columbus, Ohio) workers who are represented by Teamsters Local 284 (Columbus, Ohio) launched an informational picketing campaign at the PGA’s Memorial Tournament (Columbus, Ohio). The Teamsters represent aircraft mechanics, maintenance control, aircraft fuelers, aircraft cleaners, and stock clerks at NetJets. The union is mad that the company is not giving into its…
Read More Types of Union Picketing (Part 1)
By Management Labor Lawyer | | Picketing
Union picketing is a tricky little devil. The National Labor Relations Act allows employees – whether in a union or not – to “engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protections.” Picketing is a concerted activity. The ability to picket is not absolute, though. Picketing (which is not limited only…
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