What to Expect from an NLRB with a Slashed Budget
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
When President Trump released his 2018 budget, he slashed the NLRB’s apportioned amount by 6% and called for a staff reduction despite a projected increase to the Board’s caseload. The 6% reduction would result in the lowest total operating budget for the Board since 2009 (President Obama’s first year). Likewise, staff reductions would place the…
Read More Conflicting Evidence Means Union Wins at Hearing
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB, Uncategorized
The National Labor Relations Board must issue a complaint if it finds conflicting testimony during an investigation of an alleged unfair labor practice charge. When an unfair labor practice charge alleges a supervisor said or did something and the supervisor said he didn’t; that he said, she said situation is conflicting testimony that can generally…
Read More National Labor Relations Board Confirms That Witnesses Can Testify Through Video Testimony
By Management Labor Lawyer | | NLRB
A National Labor Relations Board regulation requires witnesses to be “examined orally under oath.” The Board has interpreted this statement as prohibiting witnesses from testifying by telephone. In a recent unfair labor practice hearing before an administrative law judge, the General Counsel to the NLRB wanted to question a witness living in Spain via videoconference.…
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